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Children and a dog relax on couch
Amarante living, dining, and kitchen

What to Look For in New Orange County Homes

Buying a new home is an exciting yet anxious time for anyone. After all, it is one of the largest investments you are likely to make. When you are looking for the right house to buy, you may be tempted to rush in quickly, and not do a lot of research. After all, you are buying a new house.

Before you invest a significant amount of money, and commit yourself a long-term mortgage, you will want to make sure that the house you love is the one that is going to make you happy in the long term. Here are some of the things every home buyer should look for when buying a new Orange County home:

Location and Community

The first consideration should be to deciding the general area where you want to live. How far are you willing to commute to work every day? How close do you want to be to your relatives and friends? If you have children, you will want them to be in a good school; and if they are younger, you will may want to have a good daycare center nearby.

Look at the local shopping, entertainment and recreational facilities. If there is something you do not like about your house, it may be possible to change it. But if you do not like your neighborhood, you only option may be to move.

Enough Room

When shopping for a house, it is best to look beyond the aesthetics and think about if it will actually fit your needs and style. Sparsely furnished model homes can appear deceptive larger than they actually are, so make sure they will hold all your belongings. One way of estimating whether your furniture will fit is by comparing the size of the beds and other furniture in the model home to the size of your own.

Look for Problems

When you find a house you love, remember to look for its imperfections. Closely inspect all areas inside and out with a critical eye. Check the roof, attic, crawlspace, shower, toilets and kitchen. Check around the foundations, looking at the slope of the ground and its drainage capabilities. You may want to invest in a home inspector as a kind of insurance against problems you may not see.

If you do find any problems, the builder will have the opportunity to fix them before you buy. Saving both of you the inconvenience of repairing them after you have moved in. Alternately, depending on the nature if the problems, you may be able to negotiate a discount to compensate you for the defects.

At Brandywine Homes, we are dedicated to building high quality new homes, and to helping people find the homes that suits them best. Contact us for more information about new homes available in our Orange County communities.
