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Children and a dog relax on couch
Amarante living, dining, and kitchen “Brandywine Homes Picks Up Escondido Land for Development”


Brandywine Homes has purchased 3.2 acres of vacant land at 2319 Cranston Dr in Escondido’s Kit Carson neighborhood. The firm plans to build 586 self-storage units on 1.74 acres and four custom homes on 12.6k sf – 14k sf lots. This is Brandywine’s first ground-up self-storage development project.

With housing developments to the north and east and commercial centers surrounding it, the self-storage project will consist of two contemporary stucco buildings totaling 78.1k sf, broken down as follows: a 66.8k sf, two-story building over a basement and an 11.2k sf, one-story facility.

The development will include 24 parking spaces with loading areas, six-foot-high masonry screen/noise walls along the eastern and southern boundaries, and a six-foot-high masonry block wall and wrought-iron fencing along the western boundary. Ornamental landscaping will include a 20-foot landscape buffer along property boundaries adjacent to residents.

Escondido is located in San Diego County’s North County region, 30 miles northeast of Downtown San Diego, Calif. The city is growing at a rapid rate and is one of the oldest cities in San Diego.
